
91 lines
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\newcommand{\ri}[1]{\lstinline{#1}} %% Short for 'R inline'
\lstset{language=R} % Set R to default language
\title{Including R code and output in your latex document}
\author{Stephen Eglen}
This short document shows you how you can include R code in your latex
reports. There are (probably) better ways, but this is certainly one
good approach. (If you come up with a nicer method, share it with the
class.) It relies on the \verb+listings+ package within latex, and so
for further help, read its documentation by running:
texdoc listings
All the files (including a Makefile) needed to recompile this document
are available from:
\section{Including scripts}
If your script is called \url{simple.R}, include it into your
output by doing \verb+\lstinputlisting{simple.R}+ which should generate
something like:
\section{Including R code within text}
To include small segments of R code within a paragraph, use the ri
macro. For example, \verb+\ri{x <- rnorm(20)}+ will generate
\ri{x <- rnorm(20)} in the paragraph.
If you have a group of R input (or output), just use the ``rc''
environment around the block of code (or output). See this example:
> a <- matrix(1:6, 2,3)
> a
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 3 5
[2,] 2 4 6
\section{Including graphical output}
For nearly all graphs you are likely to generate, the best way of
including them in your article is by asking R to generate a pdf of the
graph. Include it with the includegraphics macro. Please refrain from
including bitmap images unless you have a particular need (e.g. the
pdf is too large).
\caption{Example output from R. Make sure that you generate PDF
images, and that your images have meaningful captions.}